Monitor regularly the attendance and progress of your ward in academics. |
Note down the Roll No. of your ward and mention it in your correspondence with the college. |
The End Examination results of every semester can be accessed on the college website www.gprec.ac.in if the Roll No. of a student is known. |
You can obtain the attendance of your ward every fifteen days from the Class Teacher or the Head of the Department concerned. |
The attendance of students is monitored on a fortnightly basis and information about the students falling short of attendance will be sent to the parent through SMS. So it is important for the parent to share with the college his/her mobile number. |
The phone numbers of the Principal, HODs and Class Teachers are furnished in the Academic Calendar given to all the students of the college. |
Pay the Tuition Fee and Special Fee without fine within ten days from the commencement of the academic year. The name of the candidate will be deleted, if the tuition fee and special fee is not paid within twenty days from the commencement of class work. Between 11th and 20th day, tuition fee along with the fine has to be paid. |
In general the college will send the progress report of your ward in the sessional examinations of each semester along with the attendance till date by book-post to the address submitted at the time of registration. |
Change in address/phone number must be communicated to the principal promptly. |
Caution your ward not to indulge himself/ herself in any sort of indiscipline/ragging. |
Encourage your ward to develop communication skills and soft skills by attending various training programmes organized by the Training and Placement Department of the college. |
Parents are advised to visit the college frequently to know about the progress of their ward. |