Computer Science and Technology

B.Tech in Computer Science and Technology (CST) programme is offered from the Academic Year 2020-21 with an intake of 60.



The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the under graduate programme in Computer Science & Engineering at G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous) Kurnool are to prepare graduates to possess the ability to

PEO1. Analyse, Design and Develop computer based systems and applications using core areas of Computer Science & Engineering.

PEO2. Be engineering professionals, innovators, entrepreneurs engaged in their profession with social awareness and ethical values.

PEO3. Work in teams in multi-disciplinary areas to address the needs of society.

PEO4. Adapt to cutting edge technologies by engaging themselves in lifelong learning.



Computer Science & Engineering program students will be able to

PSO1. Understand the principles, structure and development methodologies of system software.  

PSO2. Design, develop, implement and test application software for systems including distributed software systems.

PSO3. Understand the architecture and organization of computer systems, embedded systems and networked systems.



Computer Science and Engineering Program Students will be able to

  1. Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis:Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

PROGRAM: B.Tech (Computer Science and Technology)


ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR UG (B.Tech):  Scheme-2020(Revised)       Scheme-2023

Faculty Profiles

Name of the faculty Dr. N.Kasiviswanath
Designation Professor & HoD
Qualifications Ph.D 
Research Interest Wireless Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 457265500689
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. D.Kavitha
Designation Professor 
Qualifications Ph.D 
Research Interest Computer Networks & Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. S.Zahoor-ul-Huq
Designation Professor
Qualifications Ph.D 
Research Interest Networks, Cloud Computing, Big Data
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 379578745160
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. C.Sreedhar
Designation Professor & Associate HoD
Qualifications Ph.D 
Research Interest Security in Wireless Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 948718515341
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. B. Geetha Vani
Designation Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,PhD
Research Interest Information Security, Artificial Neural Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 595249199764
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. K.Ishthaq Ahamed
Designation Associate Professor
Qualifications Ph.D
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 466749542230
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. J.Swami Naik
Designation Associate Professor

M.Tech.,   (Ph.D)

Research Interest Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 473726964162
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. B.Santhosh Kumar
Designation Associate Professor


Research Interest Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 669013179456
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. B.Thimma Reddy
Designation Associate Professor
Qualifications M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Research Interest Data Mining & Image Processing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 431433240674
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. K.V.Rameswara Reddy
Designation Associate Professor
Qualifications  M.Tech.,Ph.D
Research Interest Data Mining 
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 793856705086
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr.G.Rajeswarappa
Designation Associate Professor
Qualifications Ph.D
Research Interest Computer Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 329364310970
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr.T.Swathi
Designation Associate Professor
Qualifications M.Tech,Ph.D
Research Interest Machine  Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 380566052736
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr.K.Kavitha
Designation Associate Professor

M.C.A ,M.Tech,Ph.D

Research Interest Deep Learning
Google Scholar
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Dr. K.Sudhakar
Designation Associate Professor

M.Tech, Ph.D.

Research Interest Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 924303026923
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt. L.Sudha Rani
Designation Assistant Professor

M.Tech,    (Ph.D)

Research Interest Computer Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 921752124001
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. K.Bala Chowdappa
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Research Interest Data Mining
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 405648752445
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. P.Praveen Yadav
Designation Assistant Professor


Research Interest Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 424005048453
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. Y.R.Janardhan Reddy
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Research Interest Image processing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 501775454246
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. M.Raghavendra Reddy
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech,(Ph.D)
Research Interest Deep Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 797406435037
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. B.Dilip Kumar Reddy
Designation Assistant Professor


Research Interest Computer Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 708454328467
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt. P.Srilakshmi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 200180076793
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. P.Rama Rao
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Research Interest Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 803636035281
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Ms. P.Sunanda
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Research Interest Cloud Computing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 365704443671
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri.M.Shashidhar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Research Interest Wireless Networks and Image Processing
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 308074924837
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Ms. Y. Supriya Reddy
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Network security, Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 670368214622
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Ms. D. Sowmya
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 425789700254
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Mrs.C.Ratna Prabha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 657786434551
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt. B. Gayathri
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 847372829576
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt.D.L.N.Prasunna
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.d)
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 867643312439
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt.B.Swathi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.d)
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 496447563769
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt.K.Gayathri
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Computer Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 229692610337
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri.R.Sandeep Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Data Analytics, Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 398328022845
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt.K.Sirisha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 471894053381
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri.M.Anand
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 771180561915
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Ms.M.Dhana Lakshmi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 364849445872
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. V. Mallesi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 889484916965
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri. Y. Mahanandi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Research Interest Computer Networks
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 892052153650
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri.C.V.Chakradhar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Research Interest AI
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 127353146546
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Khadija Jabeen
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence, NLP, Machine Learning
Google Scholar
APAAR ID 320835360063
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Smt . M.Haritha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech, (Ph.D)
Research Interest Machine Learning
Name of the faculty Sri.Vinay Kumar Matam
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning
Google Scholar
Vidwan Profile
Name of the faculty Sri.B Mohan krishna
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.
Research Interest Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning
Google Scholar
Vidwan Profile
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualifications M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Research Interest Machine Learning, Big Data, Software Engineering
Google Scholar
Vidwan Profile

Guest/Visiting Faculty

Name of the faculty Dr.K.Raghavendra
Designation Head, High Performance Computing and Drones
Organization Adrin, ISRO
Name of the faculty Dr.R.P.Jagadish Chandra Bose
Designation Principal Data Scientist
Organization Skan.AI Labs Pvt.Ltd


Name of the faculty Dr.T.Gopi Krishna
Designation Professor
Qualifications Ph.D
Organization Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia

CSE – Non Teaching Staff Click Here

Board of Studies

S.No External Members Internal Members
1 Dr.O.B.V. Ramanaiah
Professor of CSE
Head of CSE Dept &BOS Chairman,
G.P.R.Engineering College
2 Dr. A. Suresh Babu
Professor and HeadCSE Department
Dr.R.Praveen Sam
Professor of CSE
G.P.R.Engineering College
3 Dr.S. Nagendra Kumar
Associate Professor of CSE
University of HyderabadHyderabad
Professor of CSE
G.P.R.Engineering College
4 Dr.K.Raghavendra
Sr. Scientist, Adrin(ISRO) Hyderabad
Professor of CSE
G.P.R.Engineering College
5 Dr. P.Jagadeesh Chandra Bose
Managing Director
Xerox Corporation
Assoc. Professor of CSE
G.P.R.Engineering College


SYLLABUS FOR I B.TECH :       Scheme-2020 (Common for CSE & CST Branches)      Scheme-2023

SYLLABUS FOR II, III, IV B.TECH :       Scheme-2020 (Common for CSE & CST Branches)



Minor And Honors Programmes Equivalent Moocs Courses:  Scheme-2020

The department has the following student forums

  • Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI)
  • Computer Society of India (CSI)
  • IEEE-Computer Society

The department is conducting various activities under these forums. The details are:

  • Seminars
  • Group Discussions
  • Coding Contest
  • Technical Quiz
  • Paper Presentations
  • Poster Presentations
  • Hackathons
  • Mock Interviews
  • Guest Lectures On Emerging Technologies
  • App Challenge

Computer Science and Engineering Department helps its students to enrich their abilities by encouraging critical thinking through programming skills. The department has well equipped laboratoriesto train students in order to advance their theoretical knowledge and sound practices of the profession. Students are encouraged to undertake projects in the areas of Cloud Computing, Big Data using IBM’s BlueMix, BigInsights, Data Mining, Machine Learning and Wireless Networks.

Programming Lab:

Equipped with DELL latest configured DESKTOP PC’s with licensed software that enables the students to program in C, C++, and JAVA etc. It supports Client-Server Computing using J2SE and Window Application development using .NET.

Database Lab:

Equipped with latest configured i3-processor systems that enables the students to model systems using Rational Rose and to build Data warehouses using Informatica. The systems are loaded with required software to practice regular lab sessions and for database related projects.

Computer Lab-1&2:

Each lab is equipped with DELL Intel Core i3 7th Gen Systems installed with Ubuntu that supports Open Source Tools for web designing and Socket Programming. The systems are also installed withPHP, WEKA,R and domain related application software to facilitate the students in completing Preliminary work and UG Projects.


R&D Lab:

Equipped with DELL Core i3 DESTOP PC’s with HP Proliant Servers that merged as a Cluster.This lab is utilized by students, research scholars, and faculty who work on challengingproblems.IBM’s BlueMix, BigInSights is also added as an additional advantage to carry research on Cloud and BigData technologies.


Networking Laboratory:

Lab is Equipped with CISCO 1941 Model Routers-3, CISCO Switches 2960 Model-3 with 24 ports.This lab is mainly used for training the students in CISCO CCNA Certification Course and also to do projects in networking domain.



Computer Lab-3:

The lab is equipped with HCL Core2Duo Desktop PC’s with licensed System and application Software development. This lab is utilized by M.Tech. students for their project works and also to support ongoing industrial technicalities.



Central Computer Center (CCC):

The Central Computer Centre has been established to provide opportunity to enhance the learning of students through the use of thin clients which are connected to central high-end server. This lab is mainly dedicated to organize hands-on workshops and online trainings on various emerging technologies for the students of all the disciplines of engineering. This lab is equipped with 2 LCD projectors with public addressing system, 132 thin clients connected to main server.

Department Level:

  • Recognized as Research Centre by JNTUA Anantapuramu in the year 2013 to offer Full time Ph.D programme and the same was renewed in 2016 by the JNTUA Research Committee.
  • CSI Student Branch of GPREC received “Best Accredited Student Branch Award” under region V in the year 2016.
  • CSI student chapter of GPREC has organized a one day National Level student Convention “Aavishkar 2014”sponsored by CSI.
  • Recently 30 faculty completed NPTEL certification courses on Machine Learning, AI, Cloud Computing, TALE etc. as a part of FDP.
  • In the academic year 2017-18, a total of 383 students from the Department were completed certifications on various courses like Python, PHP, MySQL, JAVA , C++ under Spoken Tutorial project of IITB .
  • Recently became a member of National Cyber Safety and Security Standards (NCSSS) which provides a opportunity to interact with Cyber Security Experts / Professionals / Governments / Public & Private Sector’s Security Professionals.
  • Recognized as CISCO Network Academy in the year 2015 to offer training and certifications
  • MoU with IBM Company to conduct training on Cloud and Big data and as a part of that IBM has conducted training for the selected faculty and students on Cloud and Blue Mix Technology in the year 2015.
  • The IEEE Computer Society Students chapter was formed in June 2016 and the department is conducting various technical events.
  • Organized a Six Day FDP on “Software Engineering Tools” in Association with E&ICT Academy, NIT Warangal sponsored by MHRD
  • As a part of MoU with Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation, the APSSDC has conducted a Google Android Developer Workshop for students & Technical staff.
  • As a Part of Silver Jubilee celebrations of the department, the department has conducted 25 Technical Events during 2016-17.
  • Accredited by IE(I), Kolkata.

Faculty Level:

  • Dr.N.Kasiviswanath, Professor & HoD of CSE Dept has been conferred with “VRSEC Award-2019” for best CSE teacher in A.P by ISTE and received the award in the month of March 2022
  • Dr.B.Santosh Kumar Associate Professor of CSE  received certificate of appreciation for translating  the modules of the course “Computer Architecture” offered by IIT Madras  in to Telugu language  initiated by NPTEL, Swayam in the  year 2021. NPTEL Top 1% in Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems in 2020 and Top 1% in Teaching and Learning in Engineering(TALE) in 2019.
  • Dr.S.Zahoor Ul Huq, Professor of CSE Department, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College was awarded with “Outstanding Scientist award” by VDGOOD Technology Factory International Scientist Awards 2021 on Engineering, Science and Medicine which was conducted on 7th and 8th August 2021 in Pondicherry, India.
  • Dr.P.Penchala Prasad Associate Professor has completed “Advanced Technology certification” from Wipro Software Company.
  • Sri. B.Thimma Reddy Associate Professor has been appreciated with “Certificate of Recognition” for their efforts in facilitating Pre-Education Program (PEP-2021) organized by EPAM Systems India Private Ltd.
  • Sri.B.Thimma Reddy Associate Professor are recognized as “Wipro Certified Faculty” in the year 2021.
  • Sri.K.V.Rameswar Rameshwar Reddy Associate Professor has recognized as “Wipro Certified Faculty” in the year 2020.
  • Mr. K.Balachodappa Assistant Professor of CSE department completed certifications on Java and AI&ML from Oracle Academy   in the month of July 2022.
  • Mr. B.Dilip Kumar Reddy and Smt.P.Srilaxmi  Assistant Professors of CSE department completed certifications on DBMS  from Oracle Academy   in the month of July 2022.
  • Mr.P.Praveen Yadav Assistant professor of CSE department completed certifications on Cloud Practitioner and AWS Academy Solutions Architect from AWS Academy   in the academic year 2021-22.
  • Mr. K.Balachodappa Assistant Professor of CSE department awarded Microsoft Technology Associate certifications on Java Programming from Microsoft    in the month of June 2022.
  • Mr. K.Sudhakar and Smt.L.Sudha Rani Assistant Professors were recognized as a mentors for Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Java Full Stack by Wipro Limited in Feb 2023.
  • 12 Faculty members filed and published a patent in the official journal of Indian Patent office with issue no: 04/2019 dated 25/01/2019
  • Dr R Praveen Sam is awarded “Adarsh Vidya Saraswathi Rashtriya Puraskar” by Global Management Council, Ahmedabad.
  • Three textbooks were written by faculty members.
  • Few faculty members received grants from various agencies like AICTE, UGC, etc. under MODROBS, MRP, FDP, etc.
  • Few faculty are technical paper reviewers and editorial board members for various journals.
  • R .Praveen Sam won “Best Paper Award” in 4thIEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences held at AMA International University, Bahrain during 29th Nov – 1st Dec 2017
  • Dr S. Zahoor Ul Huq acted as Resource Person for IoT training organized by Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute (APHRDI), Govt. of AP at Nellore
  • S.Zahoor Ul Huq was invited as judges for National Level Hackathan 2018 contest.
  • The project guided by Dr D Kavitha of CSE won Best Project Award in ESIC 2014 organized by ISSRD.
  • K Ishthaq Ahamed, Associate Professor is awarded as “Longest Continuous Student Branch Coordinator” at CSI Annual Convention 2016 held at Coimbatore.
  • Dr K Govardhan Reddy of CSE received Appreciation from IEEE for acting as proctor for IEEE Xtreme 11.0. programming competition in 2017.
  • Published good number of technical papers in various quality journals.
  • Few faculty are BOS members in various universities and colleges.
  • Department faculty are guiding 21 scholars towards their Doctoral degree.
  • 5 Research scholars were awarded Ph.D under the guidance of Dept faculty in various universities.
  • Imtiaz Ur Rehman, is listed in the top 2% scorer in the Machine Learning Course of NPTEL
  • Few faculty are invited as guest faculty by IIIT, Kurnool in this academic year.
  • Some of the faculty & students developed Software Products which are used by college & others.

Student Level:

  • Mr. I.V.Nagarjun Reddy has secured 224 All India Rank in GATE 2021. He got M.Tech admission in IIT Kanpur.
  • Mr.I.V.Nagarjun Reddy got 6th position in the TCS Codevita Contest All over the world in the year 2021.
  • Syeda Shireen Falak got highest package of 11 LPA in Accolite Digital for the Academic year 2021-22.
  • N.Samhita achieved Gold Category Certificate and among Top 3 in India by scoring 98% in Cloud Computing (CC) Foundation Course through Wipro Talent Next-Future skills Program 2021.
  • U Sai Swetha achieved Gold Category Certificate by Scoring 92% in Artificial Intelligence(AI) Foundation Course through Wipro Talent Next-Future skills Program 2021.
  • K.Varshini achieved Gold Category Certificate by scoring 96% in Artificial Intelligence(AI) Foundation Course through Wipro Talent Next-Future skills Program 2021.
  • K.Sudheshnavi achieved Gold Category Certificate by scoring 74% Big Data Analytics (BDA) Foundation Course through Wipro Talent Next-Future skills Program 2021.
  • K.Rajasekhar, IV Computer Science & Engineering, G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College was awarded with 3rd place in Online Course organized by AICTE internship Palto alto industry on 1st September 2022.
  • K.Sai Sudha of IV CSE got internship in Amazon Company in this academic year (2022-23) with a stipend of Rs 1,10,000 per month..
  • L.Vamsi Krishna , III CSE got selected as College Ambassador by AIOEAM CORPGLOBAL PVT Ltd, Kochi for two academic years (2022-23 & 2023-24) with a stipend of Rs 20,000/- per year and also offered free internship in that company.
  • In this academic year 438 students from II,III and IV CSE were completed JAVA certifications under Spoken Tutorial Project conducted by IIT Bombay.
  • In 2022-23 acdemic year a total of 116 students from CSE Dept. Completed Microsoft certifications(MCP) on Azure data scientist, data engineer etc.
  • In 2022-23 academic year, S.Naga Supriya, Thanuja Mallela, Krisha and K.J.Vyshnavi of final year CSE got internships at DRDO, Dehradun.
  • Three student teams from the department along with two faculty members participated in Hackathan 2017 at Bhopal and Coimbatore in the academic year 2016-17 and also Two student teams from the department and one faculty member were participated in Hackathan 2018 at Chennai in the academic year 2017-18.
  • Two models developed by our department students were selected as the best models in TechFest conducted at District level, University level and State levels in the academic year 2017-18.
  • K Sai Kumar Reddy and P. Dinesh Gowd students of CSE department have won First & Second prizes in Thrust competition conducted by NIT, Warangal during Technozian-2017.
  • Hameed of IV CSE got selected for Digital Offer from TCS in 2018 placements.
  • Every year the maximum number of students were placed in MNCs like TCS, Infosys, HCL, Accenture, IBM etc., through campus placements.
  • A total of nine Students from CSE Department represented the JNTUA in various sports & games in the south zone tournaments held from the academic years 2013-14 to 2018-19.
  • V. Sree Mithra of CSE got All India 11th Rank in GATE 2014
  • 15 students of 2014 passed out batch of CSE Department were involved in the testing process of the product called “Dynamic virtual Desktop “ and had written 3000 test cases. This product was one among the best innovative project in the CES -2012 exhibition held in Los vegas , USA
  • 2 students of CSE were runners up in the National Network Security Championship – 2014 conducted by the Network Bulls of Gurgaon in association with ACM – IIT Delhi.
  • A project work carried out by a batch of CSE students was selected as one of the 10 Best Projects at the National level in ESIC 2014.
  • Two students Shelsy Royal & T. Yochan Sandesh of CSE are selected for FOSSEE Fellowship at IIT Bombay as a part of Spoken Tutorial project on Python.
  • Six students are qualified in CAT-2019 with best percentage.